Modern Flexible Technology
Our core applications and built within the .NET framework which provides security, memory management and exceptional handling. By utilizing this modern framework in a Windows environment our development teams are able to rapidly develop new features and modules to keep up with an ever changing industry. Say goodbye to costly and never ending developements that never reach the light of day, we can make fast system modifications from format changes to keep up with other system changes to adding brand new features that you need to be competitive within your market place.
Videcom system Web interfaces are developed within the ASP.NET web application framework providing dynamic booking engines and applications. All VRS front end interfaces are now develped using ASP.NET to allow users to work within all areas of the system from a web browser, reducing the requirements on bandwidth while providing the ability to launch new features and modules without the need for local user upgrades. ASP.NET enables the development of fully featured applications on web pages with intuitively easy-to-use front end tools with processing all on the server side.
Microsoft SQL Database
VRS is built on Microsoft SQL Server providing enterprise technology, high levels of performance, availability and security. Low-cost-of-ownership together with high levels of performance means MS SQL provides the perfect data center for VRS hosted airlines. The flexibly nature of MS SQL allows back-ups and mirrors of data to be shipped easily to back up sites or to the airlines offices for offline analysis.